Can an unvaccinated person visit a vaccinated person?

Covid-19 is one of the hot topics that keeps on getting our attention nowadays. This is a dangerous virus that seems like it will stay on this earth forever. As we all know, Covid-19 virus was declared as a pandemic in early 2020 due to its ability to infect and kill people at a very fast rate. This alarming situation has urged the WHO (World Health Organization) to implement the Covid-19 protocols. This protocol was designed to help lower the spread of Covid-19 infection and these include wearing a mask, avoid close contact, practice social distancing, practice good hand hygiene especially by sanitizing your hand as well as regularly cleaning your nearby environment. Since the implementation of this protocol, the spread of this virus seems to slow down. However, this does not stop the spread itself. After a lot of research had been done, the scientist agreed that the only way to stop this pandemic completely is by producing a coronavirus vaccine (vaksin coronavirus).
In early 2021, it was announced to the world that these coronavirus vaccines were produced and are ready to be used worldwide. Some of the popular Covid-19 vaccines that were produced include Pfizer, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson vaccines. Since that day, many people have been able to get their vaccine injection. However, not many people are clear about the benefits and risks that they possess. One of the common questions that was asked is ‘Is a vaccinated person immune to Covid-19 infection?’. This is the main question that arises on everyone’s mind. We want to know if it is true that someone will not be infected with Covid-19 anymore after they receive their vaccine injection?
To answer this question, we will need to take a look at some facts. The important aspect that we need to look at is the effectiveness of these coronavirus vaccines. For Pfizer, it is said that it contains around 95% efficacy in preventing the Covid-19 infection. Moderna is slightly lower with 94.1% efficacy and Johnson & Johnson vaccine is very good in protecting the body against a severe Covid-19 infection. These numbers suggest that these vaccines are very effective in helping the body to fight against Covid-19 infection. However, one important thing that we need to know is that the statistics show no vaccine is considered as having 100% effectiveness. What does it mean?
Well, it means that by taking the coronavirus vaccine, there is a small probability that someone can still get infected by a Covid-19 virus. However, the percentage is very small when compared to its efficacy. This means that while the vaccine is very good in protecting the body against any future Covid-19 infection, it does not fully prevent Covid-19 infection from happening. So, is a vaccinated person immune to the infection? The answer is no. Can an unvaccinated person meet a vaccinated person? The answer is also no. This is largely due to the fact that the unvaccinated person can be a virus carrier, hence possess some risk to the vaccinated person if they come into close contact.
However, do not underestimate the power of vaccination. It is advisable to get your injection as soon as possible in order to help eradicate Covid-19 from this world. By then, you must always follow all the protocols stated by the government and WHO (World Health Organization) and help in fighting this pandemic. Please restrain yourself from meeting other people even though that person is already vaccinated. It is just a matter of time before we win this fight against this deadly virus.