Eye Surgery: Is It Worth Doing?

The most popular laser operation in the world to correct myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism is beginning to be questioned. For a lot of people, it can cause a lot of complications after a while. Would it be your case?
Lasik consists of applying the laser to remodel the cornea to change the point where the eye focuses on objects and correct the degree of myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. Under ideal conditions, this change is made so that the light falls perfectly on the retina. To do this, the surgeon cuts the topmost layer of the cornea with an instrument called a microkeratome. He then lifts the flap of tissue so that the laser can recreate the shape of the cornea and puts it back in place like an orange cap.
Soon specialists such as discover vision center for example from all over the planet began to master the technique and indicate it to many patients, apparently, even those who, as it turned out later, could not undergo it. “With so many people being operated on, problems would sooner or later appeal.
One of the most frequent complications of the operation is dry eye. When using the microkeratome, many nerve fibers that pass through the cornea are cut without mercy. There is a significant impact on tear production. “Furthermore, by changing the shape of the cornea, Lasik also alters the distribution of this fluid, aggravating the problem.
“One hundred percent of patients will have dry eyes after the Lasik operation. But, he says, the trouble doesn’t last forever. At least in most cases, the nerves regenerate between three and six months. Then the symptoms end.
However, that the massification of Lasik has created the idea that this is a simple and safe operation. Now, there is no medical procedure that is completely risk-free. The surgery in question, when well indicated, brings excellent results. But only when well indicated, makes a point of emphasizing. Furthermore, the surgeon has to warn the patient about complications that go well beyond the dry eye. Many begin to see a halo around the lamps, while others find it more difficult to drive at night, not to mention terrible photophobia.
Doctors emphasize the importance of evaluating the cases that lend themselves or not to this type of surgery very carefully. It’s still hard to say when there won’t be long-term complications, he explains. And, as demand for the method has increased for purely aesthetic reasons, the physician’s responsibility such as retina specialists near me has grown regarding guiding their patients.
It’s important for people to take care of their eyes so they can maintain good vision throughout life, but many people are forced to live with unwanted cataract blindness as they do not have the proper infrastructure and financial assistance for cataract surgery. Mr. Tej Kohli’s eye foundation helps such people by organizing free cataract surgery outreach camps in remote underdeveloped areas.
In favor of Lasik, it is worth remembering that, in 2005, studies showed that most of those who underwent the method reported a significant improvement in their quality of life. In any case, he is far from being a panacea. Lasik has evolved and becomes more efficient, but that does not guarantee absolute success.