Facts About Bunions That One Should Be Aware Of.

Bunions are sometimes referred to as a bump on the adjacent side of the toe, but it is more than that. The bump actually indicates the changes in the bone structure of the frontal part of the foot. The toe slowly starts to lean towards the second adjacent finger instead of pointing straight, which causes the bone to be thrown out of alignment and form a bunion’s bump.
Bunions are prominently visible at the base of your feet; bunions get worse progressively, and they will not go away quickly. Not all bunions are the same; in some cases, bunions progress more quickly than others. Stiffness, pain, or numbness in and around your feet or toe, a burning sensation, inflammation, and redness can be symptoms of bunion.
Most people tend to wear fashionable shoes in Tucson and a few other cities; hence, they regularly visit a podiatrist when they diagnose a bunion. If you notice these symptoms and live near Tucson, you should visit Podiatry in Tucson, AZ.
How to manage and treat a bunion?
Here are some common ways to treat bunions:
- Change in footwear
Choosing the right kind of footwear is very important. Shoes that are more comfortable to wear are less pointed and have deep toe boxes that can help release pressure off your foot. Stretching devices can be used to widen your pre-owned shoes. High heels or pointed toes may increase the risk.
- Padding
The use of pads can help reduce the pain in the area of the bunion. Tapes should be used to hold your toes in the right position; these pads and tapes can be purchased from any drug store, as suggested by the respective doctor.
- Physical therapy treatment
Physical therapists can help strengthen your feet. Activities that might trigger the pain of a bunion, such as standing for a long time, should be avoided. They may provide you with some exercises or stretches that might help your toes stay in a better place and alignment.
- Icing
Applying ice to the affected area may help reduce the pain and inflammation. Cover the cold pack of ice with a thin towel, and do not put it directly.
- Orthotic devices
Orthotics are shoes that are designed to support the affected feet. These are provided by surgeons custom-made to meet the requirements. Sometimes, doctors suggest spacers between the big toe and the second toe. Splints can be worn to keep your toe aligned when not wearing shoes.
- Surgery
Bunion correction Surgery might be suggested by the doctor if other treatments do not relieve your symptoms and if the pain is unbearable. Medications and, in extreme cases, surgery can also be recommended by the doctor.
Ways to Prevent Bunion
Bunions are challenging to prevent since different reasons cause them. They are said to be caused by wearing tight-fitted shoes, high heels, and pointed-toe shoes. Avoiding the use of these items in your daily lifestyle and shifting towards more comfortable options can really help you choose your size and brands wisely. Fashionable shoes look tempting but may not always be the best option.