How long do you have to take off work after bariatric surgery?

If you are considering or had bariatric surgery, you might be wondering how long after the procedure one needs to take time off work. In this article, we will answer your question and also talk about how you can recover fast post-bariatric surgery.
What is bariatric surgery?
Bariatric surgery is a group of procedures that help people lose weight with the help of invasive techniques. One type of bariatric surgery is gastric bypass surgery, which reduces the size of the stomach and allows food to bypass some intestines. A benefit of this type of surgery is an increased feeling of fullness after smaller portions.
Who should I tell about my upcoming surgery?
You should not keep your surgery a secret from your employer. If you are using company sick time, your employer should be notified before the process begins. Tell your supervisor, so they will understand and explain what you will be able to accomplish after surgery—helping you return to work tension-free after surgery.
How long will I be off work?
It is hard to give an exact gastric bypass recovery time back to work because everyone heals at a different speed. The average recovery time for someone that has had the surgery is two weeks to four weeks. However, that’s just an average, and it can differ depending on how your body responds to the process.
How to recover fast?
1. Diet
The healthier you eat, the better your body will recover. You will start feeling better faster if you eat small portions of food that do not have many carbs and sugars.
2. Rest
Take it easy during your recovery process. If you feel like doing something, keep it low-key. Take steps to avoid straining yourself.
3. Workout
Doing too much exercising also makes it harder for your body to recover, but light activities that don’t put pressure on you can help speed up the process. For example, walking is a great activity and shouldn’t hurt your recovery time.
What can you eat before work?
As per your surgeon’s advice, you can eat a light breakfast before leaving for work. Keep in mind that the surgery process might change your metabolism and what you are used to eating. So, try to eat a balanced diet post your gastric bypass in Huntington station.
Learn more: How Much Weight Will I Lose with Gastric Bypass?
If you are considering bariatric surgery, make sure to consult with your surgeon about how long it will take for you to return to work after the procedure. Ask them if any accommodations or adjustments can be made to help ease back into normal life activities and responsibilities.