Ido Fishman Says Having Fitness Goals Today Is More Important than Ever

If you know you have a decision to make and you don’t make it today, you will never be able to make it. That’s how the life works and as you grow up, you have to realize this bitter reality. Setting goals might not be difficult but having the right mindset is definitely a challenge that everyone has to overcome before they can achieve something big. So, if you think you need to put in some effort to achieve fitness, you have to make up your mind today, and right now.
Ido Fishman says that there is nothing more important than fitness in the modern world. He thinks that at no point in history did humans ever need fitness routines, workouts, and exercises more than today. He has a lot to say about this particular claim and assumption. Let’s take a look at what he has to say.
Sedentary Lifestyle Is the New Norm
One of the first things you have to identify as a problem when you start with any Ido Fishman fitness program is the sedentary lifestyle. If you don’t identify the problem, you will not be able to solve it. The modern lifestyle is all about sitting and working. You can shop from home, trade and make money from your bedroom, talk to people on the other side of the world from your office, and do much more while being seated in a comfortable chair. However, you have to read comfortable as dangerous if you really want to make a difference.
This sedentary lifestyle is the new norm because you can do just about anything without moving at all. Sitting in one place and spending hours in this position can increase the risk of heart problems and other diseases by many degrees.
Processed Foods Are Abundant
You have access to all types of foods today and you don’t even have to go to the restaurant to buy it anymore. You can get everything delivered to your doorstep. In other words, you are hurting yourself in two ways. Firstly, you are eating food that is not healthy for you and you are also not moving, which can cause other problems. You have sugar drinks, processed meat, and other foods filled with artificial flavors, preservatives, and other stuff that harms you. The abundance of these items means that you are mostly consuming them already.
This is resulting in people becoming obese with every passing day. If you look at the recent statistics, you will realize that people are becoming more obese these days and this is increasing their chances of being diabetic or a heart patient. If you don’t want to be in the same position, you have to say no to such foods. Ido Fishman believes that the best way to do that is to find healthy alternatives to your daily snacks, such as carrots, cucumbers, and healthy drinks.
Pollution Is at Its Peak
There is no doubt that many countries in the world are now putting in their best efforts to make this planet more life-friendly. You have recyclable items and the era of using coal and oil is slowly drifting away. However, it has not completely happened and that’s a point of concern. Switching to new resources for energy needs and making the world a clean place will require many years, if not decades. Until then, you are breathing in the air that is not healthy for you. Sitting in one place and then breathing this air is hurting you. Exercising and breathing pure oxygen can definitely help you.
Final Thoughts
Ido Fishman has been very persistent about talking about having fitness goals and workout routines in the lives of the modern people. Just because you are young does not mean you are healthy. The real health of the body is on the inside and to achieve that, you have to eat healthy, sleep healthy, and do what’s healthy for you. Without these changes, you will gain nothing but disappointment.