The best Tips about Hyperacusis treatment

Treatment of hyperacusis is usually done by taking medication, treating, wearing ear devices, and surgery. Read on for more information on these methods in this article.
Treatment of hyperacusis with medication:
Drugs and drugs often help alleviate the annoying symptoms of hyperacusis. However, many people prefer not to take this route, as the results are often unimpressive, not to mention the harmful side effects. However, some patients testify that antidepressants and anxiolytics can greatly help address the effects of this condition, especially psychological conditions. These are some of the medicines used in the treatment of hyperacusis recommended by Audiologie Centre-Ouest hyperacousie:
- Low dose clonazepam or lorazepam
- SSRI antidepressant family
- Anti-migraine drugs such as verapamil, topiramate, tricyclic antidepressants, beta-blockers.
- Antiepileptic drugs such as oxcarbazepine.
- Baclofen
Hyperacusis often causes obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression, and anxiety. All of which can be treated with anxiolytics and antidepressant intake. Another effect of hyperacusis is migraine, which can be treated with anti-migraine drugs. Hypersensitive neural pathways and brainstem hyperacusis can be treated with anticonvulsants and baclofen, respectively.
Hearing aids as a treatment for hyperacusis:
Another way to get hyperacusis treatment is to use ear devices such as earplugs, sound generators, or maskers. Earplugs help reduce the noise that the patient is exposed to. However, there is a theory that these hearing aids are not good for long-term use as they only exacerbate hyperacusis. Noise exposure has a habituation effect, which can be mitigated by reducing the noise and noise. Electronic noise suppression devices are also useful, but their effectiveness is not as great as other passive methods. Sound generators or maskers tune the brain and nervous system to make these systems sound and noise resistant. The Audiologie Centre-Ouest hyperacousie provides the best service regarding the problem. They act like hearing aids but require monthly readjustments for gradual desensitization.
Treatment of hyperacusis by therapy:
Tinnitus retraining therapy (TRT) is another form of treatment for hyperacusis. This remedy combines the use of a sound generator with a psychotherapeutic approach. Due to its effectiveness, it is one of the most popular approaches for treating hyperacusis these days. One of the important things to remember to do this task is to give this method time and commitment.
Conclusion: Because hyperacusis is often associated with depression and anxiety, psychotherapy can be used to treat hyperacusis. In this case, consulting with a psychiatrist, psychologist, or expert in this area can be very helpful. Learning to ignore rather than emphasize hyperacusis will certainly give you better control over your condition. It can also help you take medications that can treat obsessive-compulsive disorder.