The ultimate guide to treating acne using tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is an excellent source of treating acne. People with acne-prone skin can benefit a lot from this oil. It reduces inflammation inside the skin. This oil comes from the leaves of tea tree which grows in the Australian coast. The term ‘tea tree’ was first coined by eighteenth-century sailors who made tea with a smell like a nutmeg from the tree. Since then this ingredient has been used for several benefits. It acts as an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory agent to treat acne scars. Pimples, zits, discoloration, pus, and many other skin conditions can be treated using this oil on a regular basis.
Safety tips to use tea tree oil
This oil is excellent for treating skin conditions but it must not be swallowed or ingest in any way into the skin. Extra precautions must be taken while applying tea tree oil. It must not go inside the eyes as it can cause irritation and redness. Always do a patch test before applying it on your skin to see whether it suits you or not.
Benefits of tea tree oil
Value-added benefits of tea tree oil are as follows:
Reduces inflammation
It reduces the inflammation in the skin by providing a cooling sensation to your skin leaving it fresh and even-toned.
Reduce allergic skin reactions
Tea tree oil is not only used for treating acne but also athlete’s foot and toenail infection. Allergic reactions can be controlled by decreasing the swelling. Extra puffiness from the face is easily removed by using this oil.
Ways to use tea tree oil
There are various ways through which you can incorporate tea tree oil into your skincare regimen.
As a serum
Nowadays, various skincare brands have launched tea tree serums that can be applied before sleep on the face. This serum can reach the innermost layer of the skin if stays overnight. It results in fewer acne scars if applied on a regular basis. Medicated tea tree serums can be purchased from any mail order pharmacy like 90daymeds which sells authentic products at discounted prices.
As a sunscreen
Too much exposure to UV rays can make the skin looking dull and discolored. Nowadays, many brands are launching tea tree oil-based sunscreens which protect the skin from the sunlight as well as provide hydration to the skin.
As a mask
Tea tree oil can be added to a homemade mask to dry out pimples and leaving the skin fresh and glowing.