Treatment Of Sleep Apnea

Stopping breathing during sleep is known medically as sleep apnea.
Treatment of sleep apnea disorder in Dane county wi ranges from behavioural modifications, such as weight loss or supine sleeping, to mechanical aids, such as CPAP equipment, to invasive procedures.
- The application of pressure to the airways to open them. One possible sleep apnea treatment Ware County GAis continuous positive airway pressure. While you sleep, a machine blows air pressure into your nose or into a mask that covers your nose and mouth.
- Continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machines are the most often used (SEE-pap) in Dane county wi. When receiving this therapy, the patient’s upper airway passageways are kept open by breathing continuously and consistently at a higher pressure than the surrounding air. Sleep apnea and snoring are eliminated when the airway applies too much pressure.
- The tissue is taken out surgically. Tissue from the back of the mouth and the top of the neck is removed during uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP). It is also possible to have your adenoids and tonsils taken out simultaneously. UPPP is often done under general anaesthesia at a medical facility.
- Stimulation of the bronchi and upper airways.
People with moderate to severe sleep apnea disorder in Dane county, WI, who cannot use CPAP or BIPAP may benefit from this innovative gadget.
- The hypoglossal nerve stimulator is a thin, tiny impulse generator surgically inserted beneath the skin in the upper chest. The gadget monitors your breathing and, if required, stimulates the nerve that moves your tongue.
- Upper airway stimulation has been shown to significantly reduce the severity of obstructive sleep apnea symptoms and increase the quality of life.
- Correction of the jawbone (maxillomandibular advancement). In this treatment, your jaws (both top and bottom) will be brought forward relative to the rest of your face, making more room between your tongue and soft palate, reducing the likelihood of a blockage.
- Cut made in the neck during surgery (tracheostomy). If you have severe, potentially fatal obstructive sleep apnea and no other therapies have helped, this surgery may be the last resort.
- A tracheostomy is a surgical procedure in which a hole is made in the patient’s neck, and a metal or plastic tube is inserted to facilitate breathing. Without a functional airway in the throat, air cannot enter or exit the lungs.
- Other surgical procedures in Dane county wi, such as cleaning or widening air channels, may reduce snoring and sleep apnea.
- Polyp removal or correction of a deviated septum are two examples of nasal surgery that can be performed (deviated septum) in Dane county wi.
Self-care is often the best option while dealing with obstructive sleep apnea.
- The narrowing of the airway is alleviated by losing even a small amount of weight if you are overweight or obese. Weight loss can benefit your health and quality of life in many other ways, including reducing your afternoon drowsiness.
- You may enhance your health via exercise, particularly aerobic and strength training. One hundred fifty minutes of activity each week is recommended, and you should aim to exercise on most days.
- Stay away from narcotics and alcohol, especially tranquillisers and sleeping aids. The effects of obstructive sleep apnea and drowsiness can be exacerbated by alcohol, anti-anxiety drugs, and certain sleeping tablets.
- Avoid sleeping on your back by switching to a side or stomach. Your airway may become blocked if you sleep on your back because your tongue and soft palate will lay on the back of your throat.
- Maintain a slightly open nasal passageway as you rest. Try using a saline nasal spray to clear your nasal passages if you’re experiencing congestion. Nasal decongestants and antihistamines are two options, but discussing their use with your doctor in Dane county wi is essential because some are intended for temporary relief only.