What Is Dabbing?

If you have kids, you’ve probably heard of the dab dance. They’ve probably shown you a million times how they tilt their head down and move their arms back and forth. It’s a craze that started in Atlanta, Georgia. However, this isn’t the dab we’re referring to. When answering what is dabbing, it’s important to understand that it’s the use of a potent form of marijuana. With its higher-than-normal concentration of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), it’s more addictive and known to cause more health issues.
A dab is a marijuana extract that users will usually vape or smoke. They tend to smoke the substance in a bong or pipe. However, it’s possible to use a vape pen to inhale the substance as well.
Sometimes, a person may opt to turn a dab into an edible, which means he or she eats the waxy substance, usually along with some food. This is the most potent route of administration of a dab.
Mainly, a dab consists of butane hash oil. To make this substance, a person pours butane on top of the marijuana leaves. The THC then exits the plant and mixes with the butane. You then have a gummy substance that remains with a much higher-than-average amount of THC. This substance is somewhat hard but is still smokable.
As you can imagine, the potency of the substance isn’t consistent. However, someone who dabs could be using a substance that contains up to 80 percent THC. This is sometimes more than six times as potent as standard marijuana, which may only have a THC concentration between 12 and 13 percent.
A user won’t need as much marijuana to produce the same effects when dabbing. On the other hand, the user may opt for dabbing to experience a more intense high.
When a person works with butane, they’re working with a highly flammable substance, which could easily start a fire. Not to mention, the effects of such a strong concentration of THC could cause a person to faint or become ill. It’s also possible that the user will inhale benzene.
The Journal of Medical Toxicology published a study about burn sizes and dabbing. The average burn from a dabbing accident covered 10 percent of the person’s body. Moreover, 60 percent of those injured in this manner required a skin graft.
Keep in mind that not a lot of studies have been done on dabbing, but when talking about what is dabbing and its dangers, it’s important to know that dab usage at a young age could result in a higher number of mental health issues as a person ages. Not to mention, smoking this substance could lead to a person requiring intubation in some cases.