What Is Gynecologic Cancer? Discuss Its Symptoms And Causes

Cervical cancer refers to the cancers that occur in cervix cells that are the lower part of the uterus. This lower part of the uterus connects to the vaginal area. Different strains of human papillomavirus cause cervical cancer.
The immune system of the body prevents you from any harm and fights to keep you protected from the virus when you become exposed to HPV. The virus can survive for many years in a small percentage of human beings.
The virus causes cervical cells to alter in the cancerous cells. Receiving a vaccine and having a proper screening test protect you from HPV.
Symptoms Of Gynecological Cancer
Early stage cancer of the cervical area does not produce symptoms generally. Symptoms of advanced cervical cancer are given below.
- Occurrence of vaginal bleeding between menstruation, after sexual intercourse, or menopause
- Bloody, watery vaginal discharges that have foul odor and feels heavy
- Getting pain during sexual intercourse
- Pelvic pain
When You Should Go To A Doctor
If you are having any symptoms and signs of gynecological cancer then book an appointment with your doctor. Early diagnosis helps you to control the disease.
Causes Of Gynecological Cancer
When healthy cells in the area of the cervix develop some changes in their DNA then cervical cancer initiates. DNA of a cell contains codes or instructions about the functions of cells that what to do. Healthy cells multiply and continue growing at a set rate.
These cells also dye at the set time. Mutations lead to the unlimited growth of cells. They multiply without control and don’t die. The accumulation of abnormal cells makes a mass called a tumor. Cancer cells then start invading the nearby tissues.
They break off from a mass or tumor to spread to other parts of the body. Researchers have not yet discovered the exact cause of gynecologic cancer. But the fact that HPV plays a great role is certain. HPV is a common condition. Most people with this virus do not suffer from cancer.
It means some other factors also contribute to developing cervical cancer. These factors may affect lifestyle choices and your environment.
Cervical Cancer Types
Cervical cancer types help you to decide the prognosis and treatment. Following are the main types of cervical cancer.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
This type initiates in the flat and thin cells lining the cervix outer area which projects into the area of the vagina. Most of the cancers related to cervical cancers are squamous cell carcinomas.
This cancer initiates in the glandular cells that are column-shaped. These cells lie in the area of the cervical canal. Sometimes both cell types are involved in causing cervical cancer. Cancer rarely occurs in the other cells of the cervix area.
Risk Factors
Risk factors to develop cervical cancer are given below.
Having Many Sexual Partners
A greater number of sexual partners enhances the risks of getting HPV.
Early Sexual Activity
Having sexual intercourse at an early age increases the risk of getting HPV.
Sexually Transmitted Infections
Having sexually transmitted infections such as syphilis, gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS and chlamydia enhances the risk of having HPV.
Weak Immune System
If your immune system is not strong due to any other medical or health condition then you may have greater chances to develop cervical cancer.
Smoking is highly associated with a condition known as squamous cell cervical cancer.
Following prevention, guidelines help you to reduce the risk of cervical cancer.
Ask Your Doctor About Your HPV Vaccine
Getting a vaccine to stop the HPV infection decreases the risk of developing cervical cancer and other cancers related to HPV. Ask your doctor about the vaccine that is good for you.
Have Pap Tests In Routine
Pap tests easily detect the cervix precancerous conditions. In this way, doctors treat you well to prevent cervical cancer. Most organizations advise beginning routine Pap tests from the age of 21.
Practice Safe Sexual Intercourse
Take precautionary measures to reduce the risk of developing cervical cancer. It helps you to prevent different transmitted infections.
Quit Smoking
Do not initiate smoking if you do not smoke already. If you smoke then discuss it with your doctor. They might help you to quit smoking. It also reduces the strength of your immune system so try to avoid smoking to keep yourself healthy.